Longitudinal Aging Study Understanding Mechanisms of Longevity and Human Lifespan

To characterize genetic and proteomic changes that occur at different ages to build a map of the steps of aging
Team Member Name

Rob Sheko

Rob Sheko

Research Description:

As we age, our bodies undergo changes that progress in various stages. We lose hormone levels in our 20s, metabolic fitness and immunity in our 30s, etc. Each change leads to downstream consequences for our health, but the exact order of what age-associated alteration occurs at what age, and what it leads to, remains unknown. Our goal is to create a longitudinal blood biomarker cohort to track how individuals change over time. If you want to know how your body is different from 20-30, 30 to 40, etc and track your individual changes over time, this study is for you

Study Lead: Rob Sheko--I am a Harvard graduate and trained stem cell and regenerative medicine biologist. I've studied systemic changes in aging for the past 5 years in humans and mice, and seek to create a deeper understanding of these alterations.

Terms & Benefits:

This researcher is deemed as US based and not able to offer revenue share.
Read more: πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ not available for US persons or companies
Estimated timeline of research is 120 months.
This research and its conditions won't come into force until minimal amount of 25 participants sign up.
This research has a maximal number of 1000000 participants who can sign up. You won't be able to sign up if its reached.

Patron tiers for this Project:

No need for identifying data. Crowdwise pseudonymization will be sufficient DDD

Tier 1 Conditions Benefits
Access to medical history and existing genomic data
Access to existing blood lab test results
Annual update on cohort progress and updates

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